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Folkjet is the latest project in my winding path of creating music. It is something I have been meditating on for years, and developing in terms of concept. At the end of the day, I am motivated by good songs and the love of roots instrumentation with a heavy influence of years of listening to electronic dance music. I have a real passion for great songs with deep hands in the soul, as well as rhythmns you can move your body to and the mental space that can be created by ambient textures. Take these elements, boil them into globally influenced pop songs, and you will begin to understand what I am trying to do.

I am influenced by my time traveling and performing around the world. Whether it be a festival, a party with friends, or just “me and the gods” somewhere in the solitude of this great planet, music is the vehicle to connect, commune and share medicine.

Folkjet is sitting and playing a song on guitar in a basement bar in Budapest,on the Great Wall of China, the beaches of Panama or on top of a mountain in Hawaii. Folkjet is playing with a great band in front of a crowd ready throw down. Folkjet is also dancing to deep, mysterious grooves in a club in Buenos Aries, or in Los Angeles.

In essence…

Folkjet is my musical vehicle.

Welcome Aboard.